Obsidian Gates

Obsidian gates can be used to explore new areas as well as travel to other realms. On initial activation the destination is random and neither the direction nor destination of travel can be controlled.

Detailed information on how to build an Obsidian Gate can be found at https://arklegacy-server.net/tips.html#gates.

Note: there been some changes since those instructions were posted:

  • Gates are no longer griefed with fire or lava if a player other than the gate owner uses the gate. However, using another player's gates increases the chance of contracting portal sickness.
  • The range of an obsidian gate in the Overworld/Caverns/Nether is up to: 3000 blocks to the side, 2000 blocks down or 1500 blocks up
  • First time gate activation now requires using a Flame Boltimage, subsequent travel is done using a Flint & Steelimage to activate the gate.
  • Luminescent Obsidian may also be used in gate construction.
  • Gates built on a natural mountain above 140 are Interdimensional Gates. These will have a destination in a random realm, excluding the Outback and Midfeld.
  • Gates built in a realm other than the Overworld/Caverns/Nether will usually have a destination in the same realm but there is a small chance of a realm hop.

To use a gate stand inside the 2x3 opening and strike the gate with your Flint & Steel (if already activated). The gate should fill with "Portal Liquid", if it wasn't already filled. Then do not move or transport will be disrupted. It can take quite a while to be transported so be patient.